Piss bottle man!

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VW squareback with rusted floorboards. Surgical tubing through the rust with a funnel that could be passed around as needed. Sure, a fine mist followed us but this was Italy. I don't know if anyone ever noticed.

Slightly off message..."Piss Test" by Limecell. ;>)

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A fine mist indeed!

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love pissing on the road. under the stars. out in the wild.

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I suspect I love it a little more now.

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I keep an empty one of those liquid laundry detergent bottles underneath the driver's seat in the van for just such emergencies. Wide-mouth bottle with a big twist-closed cap, won't stink when I pour it out wherever I'm going.

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Those wider mouth Gatorade bottles should be endorsed by American Standard. But pissing yourself is a better story.

As far as being sober and writing, I write way more now. If I had been as rich as Hemingway I could have been a drunk writer, but to be a drunk I had to have jobs and bands and stuff.

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