The Dos Passos call out made my rainy SoCal morning today! I had a high school English teacher recommend the USA trilogy.... so, so amazing!

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Right?! A true American Modernist. He did such innovative things with emerging technology. I wonder what JDP would have made of the Internet.

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I used to keep a lot of books that were aspirational (for lack of a better term). Books on subjects I wanted to learn, adventures I wanted to take, etc. It took me a long time to move past that. Moving a few times certainly helped nudge me along.

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When my mom passed we had to figure out what to do with all of her stuff and it was a real challenge.

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I used to never keep books, or dump them at my parent's house. But now that I'm semi-permanently in my hometown, suddenly piles are beginning to grow! And fun to have a lot of good stuff around, that is just sitting there waiting. Like this gorgeous edition of PEPYS' DIARY that i bought for a dollar somewhere..... It's the best made book I've ever owned.

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I love those finds!

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Enjoyed the thoughts on library reduction protocol. I have a lot of old friends hanging around my shelves as well, including some Carver. I’ve never thought of him as an “artless imitator,” but I do remember reading an interesting article, I believe in “The New Yorker,” on how crucial his editor was to forming his minimalist style.

Thanks again. I always look forward to your posts. Good luck on the road, and I look forward to your new novel joining my shelves. Oh yeah, and go Dodgers.

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Hating on Carver is kind of a running joke for me a way to antagonize for the joy of antagonizing. sometimes someone will say, "I named my kid after him" to which I say. "Maybe he'll become a butcher?" Someday I'll explain...

Thanks for you support, Travis, and go Dodgers!

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I know Gordon Lish edited Carver’s stories down to the bone so as to almost become the co-author but I still think a handful of Carver’s stories are gems. I hate the cult of Hemingway too and a lot of his work is godawful, but the Hemingway stories that are good are really, really good.

Apropos of nothing, is the Evan Dando memoir still a going project?

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Sure but it's not like Carver's stories were lush modernist masterpieces before Lish got a hold of them. The Dando project is still a go.

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⚾️ opening Day, yes!

I don’t read that much but I do like to keep my favorite books near just in case I want to check for a random page every once in a while, a nice quote or something I already forgot about the book.

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Yes! Books are old friends. Wait, did I just dispose of some friends?!

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