I recently received a bundle of 25 Do What You Want flexis from Bad Religion and today I'm giving them away to readers of Message from the Underworld with a mailing address in the United States.
What’s a flexi? A flexi is a flexible record that can be inserted in a book or magazine or sent in the mail. This flexi features an image of Do What You Want (the book) and audio from “Do What You Want” (the song). It looks like this:

Want one? Here’s how:
1) Pre-order Do What You Want from your favorite book retailer. Already pre-ordered your copy? Move on to the next step…
2) Send a screenshot or photo of your receipt with your name and mailing address to verminonthemount at yahoo dot com.
3) That’s it! If you’re one of the first 25 people to follow these instructions, I’ll send you a Do What You Want flexi. If you don’t have a mailing address in the U.S., you can use the address of a friend or acquaintance, or we can work something out.
Be sure to black out your credit card information and personal information. Entries that include credit card details will be deleted and disqualified.
Have a question? Just reply to this email but you better hurry because once they’re gone, they’re gone.
Good luck!
More Book Updates
In a few days we’ll hit the one month mark until the release of Do What You Want and updates will be coming fast and furious: Zoom events, signed copies, song releases, interviews, and more. (For updates in real time, follow me on Twitter and/or Instagram.) Until then, here are a few odds and ends:
Bad Religion has created a Do What You Want playlist on Spotify. It’s a journey through 40 years of the band’s signature sound that will prepare you for the book. Check it out!
Some readers have expressed an interest in a behind-the-scenes account of the two weeks I spent following Bad Religion around Europe during the 30th Anniversary Suffer Tour. I’m currently working on that. It’s been bittersweet revisiting those experiences at a time when traveling is impossible, and live shows are nonexistent. Not sure what format this story will take (photo essay, zine, fireside chat), but I’ll keep you posted.
This Sunday at 5pm PST I’ll be participating in the YR Not Alone reading series featuring an awesome line-up of Razorcake contributors. I’m going to read the introduction to Do What You Want and talk about the book a little bit to whet your appetite for the release next month.

Stay safe, wear a mask, and lend a hand to those who need it.